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USA - Soldier charged with killing 16 Afghans to plead guilty, lawyer says
+4:3 EXCLUSIVE soldier charged with killing 16 Afghans to plead guilty, lawyer says
US soldier to plead guilty to killing of 16 Afghans
U.S. Soldier Will Plead Guilty To Killing 16 Afghan Civilians, Afghanistan
US Military Judge accepts guilty plea from American soldier accused of killing 16 Afghans
U.S. soldier pleads guilty to Afghan murders
US soldier accused of killing 16 Afghans
U.S. soldier expected to plead guilty to murdering Afghan civilians
Soldier with Tri-state ties, charged with 16 Afghan murders
US soldier escapes death after guilty plea in Afghan massacre
Brother of victim reacts as US soldier admits killing 16 Afghans, but escapes death penalty
US soldier in court over Afghan massacre